Entertaining, even worshippingթ‚Թ any national-racial-ethnic concept of purity stretched to denote divine superiority, is in itself an impure concept devoid of a healthy cultural value. Being different does not automatically make anything exceptionally unique. In fact most often genuine uniqueness transcends differences on many levels, thus illuminating boundlessness of humanity in the natural and cultural world.թ‚Թ 

It is pure vanity to proselyte derailed syntaxes — ‘slaying’ of words and draggingթ‚Թ the crumbs of phonemes intoթ‚Թ illogical syntax ofթ‚Թ morphemes թ§Չ‚-Չ€œ all to be followed by an avalanche of foul swearing against the թ§Չ‚-խœunbelieversթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ of the bestowed թ§Չ‚-խœsacredթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ missions. Such isթ‚Թ the end product of absolutism, recently promulgated by some Armenian supremacists, with a zeal that drags its practitionersթ‚Թ towards the realm ofթ‚Թ narcissistic nationalism. The question then arises, asթ‚Թ utteredթ‚Թ in Latin:թ‚Թ թ‚Թ CUIթ‚Թ BONO? =թ‚Թ For Whose Benefit Isթ‚Թ It? For sureթ‚Թ not for the advancement of knowledge, let alone for the preservation of national cultural heritage. Perhaps the good British թ§Չ‚-խœhand washingթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ NO COMMENT, tinged with ironic humour, is the best response to such wastage. Otherwise, as the Armenian saying goes — HEY VAKH, HAZAR APSOS. = Alas, a Thousand Lament.

Meanwhile, the disunity of the Armenian Orthography continues, while its divisive practice is relished by those who often nurture the indulgent zeal mentioned above.թ‚Թ 

Once upon a time whenթ‚Թ I received an invitation card from the Armenian Embassy here in London, the card had the surname of the Ambassador, as well as my own surname written with the so called Eastern Armenian Orthography — the suffix ian disfigured as yan թ§Չ‚-Չ€œ the spelling norm in the Republic of Armenia. In my thankful response to His Excellency, the Ambassador, I gently questioned the discrepancy. I had no response. Perhaps it meant NO COMMENT? And, of course, the norm continues unabated (with the exception of the late Ambassadorթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s own writing of her surname as Kazinianթ§Չ‚-Թ»)

The suffix ian is an Indo-European one denoting belonging, resembling, follower, specialist. թ‚Թ Hence, not only Persian and Indian languages, but some major European languages too use it precisely with those meanings, i.e., in English, as in Euclid-ian, Smithson-ian, Armen-ian, Arab-ian, Antiquar-ian etc.

But, alas, most surnames in Armenia and some even in the Diaspora have lost the original meaning of the suffix, as if inadvertently refusing to թ§Չ‚-խœbelongթ§Չ‚-Չ„§, not aware of falling into their own trap of sublimating the practice of change. Unbelievable but true, the worst of such disfiguring practices, whether in orthography or in syntaxes of phonemes-morphemes, are already in dithyrambic craze. Here are just few imitations of the fad to illustrate the crazeթ§Չ‚-Թ»

If God is read Dog in reverse, in English, then surely Dram (Money) is Mard (Man), read in reverse in Eastern/Araratian Armenian Pronunciation (triple consonantal system), as Shoon (Dog) is Noosh (Almond) in reverse, also in the same. Are we to conclude that for an Englishman an թ§Չ‚-խœanti-Godթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ or an թ§Չ‚-խœatheistթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ is simply a թ§Չ‚-խœdogթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ — the worst animal for a թ§Չ‚-խœjihadistթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ zealot –թ‚Թ  or perhaps for an Armenian a թ§Չ‚-խœMan with Almondթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ is an inverted թ§Չ‚-խœDog with Moneyթ§Չ‚-Չ„§? The confusion surmounts when the Armenian examples are read in Western/Classical Armenian Pronunciation (dual consonantal system).թ‚Թ  Moreover, huge virtual towers can be built out of toppled words, not to mention what happens when languages are թ§Չ‚-խœmixedթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ for the stars to become the chaotic ocean engulfing Noahթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s Arc, transmuted as an apocalyptic Tower of Babel of decibels and digits թ§Չ‚-Չ€œ just to mention a թ§Չ‚-խœloftyթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ image. Of course, the թ§Չ‚-խœmundaneթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ ones are abundant, as i.e.թ‚Թ  Kak = How, As, Like, What inթ‚Թ  Russian, similar also when read in reverse, meaning Shitթ‚Թ  in Armenian, akin to Foul, Bad, in Greek, hence Cacophony = Bad Sound. Just to denigrate people because of feelings of disapproval towards them, are we, or is it fair to conclude that a questioning Russian is always in a foul mood?թ‚Թ թ‚Թ 

Perhaps it is tempting to ponder, in these turbulent times for humanity at large, upon Mammonթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s Ivory Tower, now nicknamed as World Bank or IMF, of the military and monetary industrial complex of profit-atթ§Չ‚-Չ€œany-cost.թ‚Թ  To describe the accumulated power of such a թ§Չ‚-խœTowerթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ a compound adjective in Armenian would certainly do well թ§Չ‚-Չ€œ and might easily be grasped with a smile by the many thousands of youth and students protesting and occupying public spaces in potentate states — it is, CHARASHAHOOTYOON = Evil Profiteering. If tempted to read thisթ‚Թ  compound word in reverseթ‚Թ  we have, lo and behold,թ‚Թ  NOOYT – OO – HASH թ§Չ‚-Չ€œ AR – ACHթ‚Թ  =թ‚Թ  Matter/Money – And – Consumption -թ‚Թ  On – Sight թ§Չ‚-Թ» A vitriolic masquerade for Mammonթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s Tower of profit-at-any-cost for sure, albeit a blatant disfigurement of all syntax chiselled in the absurd.

But, there is the crux, and, no doubt, a crucial one at that.

We might as well acknowledge absurdityթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s pinching quality, granted it is employed judiciously in poetic and literary humour tinged with irony or even with sarcasm, if and when its creator is blessed with literary talent and writing style akin to that of a Mark Twain, an Hakob Baronian, and a Parouyr Sevak, just to mention a few masters of the genre. It might even be թ§Չ‚-խœthe talk of the townթ§Չ‚-խœ as in the case of Theatre of the Absurd. Picasso envisaged these phenomena by saying: թ§Չ‚-ժ“Art is a lie that makes us realize truth, at least the truth that is given us to understand.թ§Չ‚-Թ (A. E. Gallatin, OF ART From Plato to Picasso. 1963 USA, p.17)

Moreover, the interplay/interchange of phonemes and morphemes — as is the case with numbers — continue to fascinate the audio-visual practitioners dealing with secret codes or riddles – Rebuses. Most significantly, the lack of the above mentioned prerequisite has never hindered audio-visual absurdities to flourish, particularly in the public media, and become part and parcel of commercials in the marketing business. In the latter, as it is the practised norm, anything goes to bamboozle the consumer. But it certainly becomes preposterous, nay even tragicomic when such practices are manipulated by ‘sophists’ and presented as radical linguistics to bamboozle ordinary readers and amateur linguists, as if Language is an absurdly illogical creation of the homo sapiens. By doing so, թ§Չ‚-խœabsurdityթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ itself loses its fascination for audio-visual art practitioners, especially when routinely accompanied by banal, often irrelevant, political bashings to proselyte such distortions while obfuscating թ§Չ‚-ժ“the truth that is given us to understand.թ§Չ‚-Թ (Picasso in op.cit.)

With all the relevant and good data included in the recent video programme, titled Haroutyoun=Resurrection,թ‚Թ թ‚Թ  http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=w9f8gA3x2c4!

there too abounds, ad nauseam, political bashings of the entire Secondթ‚Թ  Republic of Armenia. While refuting, and rightly so, the so named թ§Չ‚-խœAbeghian Orthographyթ§Չ‚-Չ„§, it continues to distort the programmeթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s own positive data of pointing out the extraordinary courage of prominent linguists and writers of the day rejecting the blatantly controversial թ§Չ‚-խœnew orthographyթ§Չ‚-Չ„§. The video thus emulates, and paradoxically so, the worst of the derailed ‘bolshevism’ which had become a monopoly of deranged absolutism in the Soviet Armenian Republic of the period. Lo and behold, the same is practiced now in the free-marketeering 3rd Republic of Armenia by the rabid monopolists of zealot ‘anti-bolshevism.թ§Չ‚-Չ„§


The video programme mentiond above publicly denigrates even the 2nd Republicթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s State Heraldry (M. Sarianթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s beautiful composition of a design) and the Hymn of the Republic (A. Khatchaturianթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s majestic music). It presents its թ§Չ‚-խœlinguistic criticismթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ counting various items under թ§Չ‚-խœfalsitiesթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ with a musical background of Russiaթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s esteemed National Hymn. (Alexandrovթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s Hymn of Russia of 1939 was in use in 1944-1990, replacing the թ§Չ‚-ժ“Internationaleթ§Չ‚-Թ. It was re-adopted in 2000). The videoթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s manipulation of it as a musical background for counting the թ§Չ‚-խœfalsitiesթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ of Soviet Armeniaթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s orthography of 1920թ§Չ‚-Չ„§s and 1930թ§Չ‚-Չ„§sթ‚Թ  is not only an anachronism but aթ‚Թ  blatant insensitivity and bad taste, ruining, alas, the objectivity of its own refutation. Moreover, I felt a feeling of disgust, when the programmeթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s political bashings reached its lowest denominator when it hinted about the death ofթ‚Թ  Hovhanness Toumanian (in 1923, of cancer) by speculating about an alleged plotted crime, because of the poetթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s opposition to abandon the Classical Orthography. The sickening hint had therein a թ§Չ‚-խœreinforcementթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ too with the death of Parouyr Sevak (another poet թ§Չ‚-խœRefusenikթ§Չ‚-Չ„§) whose fatal car accident, in 1971, is now zealously envisaged to be a plotted crimeթ§Չ‚-Թ»

Yet the sad truth of the matter remains — the Classical Orthography was abandoned. It was replaced by the թ§Չ‚-խœAbeghian Orthographyթ§Չ‚-Չ„§, decreed in 1922, despite Abeghianթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s own reluctance of its adoption, back in 1913, when he felt it might fail to bring closer the two main literary variants of the Armenian language (as the video programme also points out). Albeit, the eminent scholar, Abeghian, proved right. His orthography did indeed fail in its ill-ordained mission. But he proved wrong by not pursuing his own original and objective assessment of 1913 — no doubt under the duress of deranged political absolutism, the molesting ailment of all its zealot servants, at all times, in all places.

Burdened by obnoxious data which derails its own timely refutation, the above videoթ‚Թ  contains just passing references with no critical assessment of the historical dual speech sounds թ§Չ‚-Չ€œ pronunciation թ§Չ‚-Չ€œ of the current Armenian language. It fails to acknowledge the source of the richness of the living language with Two Prominent Dialects, despite the derailed latter-day orthography of the Araratian/Eastern Dialect, and the diminished pronunciation/diction of the Classical/Western Dialect, due to the latterթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s centuries old usage in the Ottoman Empire. There, especially in Constantinople (later, Istanbul) the French culture had enormous influence also on the Turkish phonemes and morphemes, let alone on the Armenian ones. (Itթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s worth remembering that Cilician Armeniaթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s Francophile influence had already begun centuries earlier).թ‚Թ  The French literaryթ‚Թ  influence թ§Չ‚-խœsoftenedթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ the consonants, particularly those Arabic intakes, so much so that the continuous usage ofթ‚Թ  the Arabic script for over half a millenium was eventually abandoned for good. When Ataturk ruled the ways in Turkey, the Latin script got hold on the Turkish languageթ§Չ‚-Թ»թ‚Թ 

As if թ§Չ‚-խœfixatedթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ by Ataturkթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s թ§Չ‚-խœwesternisationթ§Չ‚-Չ„§, a prominent Armenian literary intellectual, Poghos Makintsian, who served as Soviet diplomat in Istanbul during 1922-1924, did not hesitate to suggest the same in 1926 թ§Չ‚-Չ€œ to abandon the Armenian Alphabet and let the Latin script get hold on the Armenian language. Such was the intellectual blindness of those imbued with political absolutism that they blotted the healthy internationalism of vibrant national cultures by imposing deranged թ§Չ‚-խœCommunist Globalismթ§Չ‚-Չ„§, even decades before Capitalist Globalisation paved the way for the melting pot of national cultures. A sad irony indeed when Makintsian himself had considerable input to Armenian language with literary publications as a researcher, compiler, editor (i.e. V.Terianթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s Poetry, in four volumes. 1923-1925) and a translator of Armenian literary treasures into Russian (i.e. H.Toumanianթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s Gigor)թ‚Թ  and world literary masterpieces into Armenian (i.e., Don Quixote of M. Servantes). Thanks to many prominent, far and fair sighted writers (among them Bolsheviks too) Makintsian and his derailed comrades failed to impose the Latin script. But, alas, the latter succeeded in derailing the Classical Armenian Orthography, vulgarising its թ§Չ‚-խœnoveltyթ§Չ‚-Չ„§.

Astonishing as it sounds, itթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s worth highlighting that in mid 19th century the Ottoman Caliphate had even entertained the idea to officially adopt the Armenian Alphabet for the Turkish language, A whimsical joke? Apparently not so. The eminent linguist, Hrachia Ajcharian, who had insisted for and succeeded in publishing his magnum oeuvres in the Classical Orthography, had this to say about some Ottoman Pashasթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ fleeting wish:

Many Turks learned the Armenian Alphabet and were reading Manzoume and Mejmouwai [Turkish newspapers printed in Armenian letters]. The spreading of Armenian letters through the news-media made the Turkish informed classes to really appreciate the admirable simplicity of the Armenian script. In 1860, both Fouad and Ali Pasha entertained the idea to abandon the Turkish script [essentially Arabic] and adopt the Armenian Alphabet as the official script. Rashid Pasha, the Grand Eparchos, learned to write Armenian to be able to spread its use among the Turks. It is said that the Assembly of the Ottoman Parliament too had agreed for the change, but national vanity or the early cessation of the Assembly did not allow the implementation of the act. (Hrachia Ajcharian at the Armenian Academy of Art & Science, 1943.թ‚Թ  A presentation for his forthcoming monograph, titled, The Role of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire. Yerevan University Herald. 1967, no. 1)

A century later and as if echoing the apparent fascination of the Ottoman Pashas with the Armenian Alphabet, the eminent Americanթ‚Թ  anthropologist, Margaret Mead, recommended, in 1960s, the adoption of the Armenian language and script for use as an թ§Չ‚-ժ“international language.թ§Չ‚-Թթ‚Թ  While discussions and arguments continued among scholars for the need of a թ§Չ‚-ժ“Worldwide Languageթ§Չ‚-Թ, it was felt necessary to underline the following:թ‚Թ թ‚Թ 

թ§Չ‚-Թ»the preference of Margaret Mead and other professional colleagues for Armenian as a second language to be spoken all over the world. (Arthur J. Snider, JET AGE SPURS DRIVE FOR WORLDWIDE LANGUAGE Chicago Daily News, Saturday, August 17, 1968)թ‚Թ 

All the above primarily indicate and testify, at least for me, theթ‚Թ  richness, variety, lucidity and fluidity of the phonetic structure of the Armenian script, with its original 36, now the Classical Alphabet numbering 38 letters, structured on triple consonantalթ‚Թ  system. Albeit, the Western Dialect has diminished that richness in its pronunciation/diction, which now functions only with the pattern of dual consonantal sounds, notwithstanding the triple system in its orthography, as mentioned earlier. Having in mind that the pronunciation of phonemes and morphemesթ‚Թ  encapsulateթ‚Թ  the incipient music of a language, then becomes obvious the richness of the Araratian Dialectթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s Pronunciation that has kept the primordial music of the Classical Orthography.թ‚Թ թ‚Թ 

With much pleasure I read Mr Yeghia Gayaianթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s article, presenting his book, titled,թ‚Թ  Oughagrakan Batsatrakan Bararan (= Expounding Dictionary of Orthography, Beirut, 2012). To his credit, he has not allowed his theses to be derailed by any sort of distorted syntaxes or political bashings. But, alas, he is reluctant to tackle the betterment of the Western Armenian diminished pronunciation, accepting it as a FAIT ACCOMPLI, nay even as թ§Չ‚-ժ“our destinyթ§Չ‚-Թ — he concludes disarmingly. (Y. Gayaian, PREFACE. In Azad Tzayn, Nicosia, November 2012, p 8)թ‚Թ 

Last September, 2012, I wrote an abstract of my own observations, research and experience as a performer of songs and poetry, titled, Phonemic Syntax of Armenian Language in Araratian and Western Variants. The crucial dual points of my concluding suggestion were,

1)թ‚Թ թ‚Թ թ‚Թ  Return to the Western, or better, Classical Armenian Orthography that has kept the time honoured and ‘acid proven’ classicalթ‚Թ systemթ‚Թ initiated by Mesrop Mashtots (hence its continuous usage in the literary Armenian թ§Չ‚-Չ€œ Grabar), with all the relevant and valid additions and practical changes in time, throughout sixteen centuries.

2)թ‚Թ թ‚Թ թ‚Թ  While keeping both Prominent Dialects of the language, it is best to return to the Araratian Pronunciation in speech and reading, anchored on the triple consonantal system closely linked with the Classical Orthography, diminished alas in the Western Armenian pronunctiation, or speech sounds,թ‚Թ  with strange negligence to its glorious Orthographic heritageթ§Չ‚-Թ»

At this point, I shall permit myself to replicate my above mentioned concise article written in Armenian.թ‚Թ  Let the genuine dialogue continue its healthy mission թ§Չ‚-Չ€œ propagating the urgent need for a united front of orthography for our millennial heritage of a mother tongue with twin giant siblings.

London, April 2013



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թ”Թ՞թ•Թ՟ թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•Թզ թ”Թ՞թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ(թ–Չ€šթ•Թ(թ•Թ-թ•Թ❁թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•Թբ-թ”Թ՞թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ(թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԲթ•Թէթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ‚Թ  թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•Թաթ•Թ,թ•Թգթ•Թէ թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€š թ–Չ€žթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•Թ)թ•Թ,թ•Թդ ‘թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ•Թ)թ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ(թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ’ …թ‚Թ 

թ”Թ՞թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ(թ–Չ€šթ•Թ, թ•ԹԵթ•Թ«թ•Թզ թ•Թբթ•Թզթ•Թէթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜ թ•Թ« թ•ԹԴթ–Չ‚- թ”Թ՞թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ(թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԲթ•Թէթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ«թ•ԹԳթ•Թ,թ‚Թ  թ•Թ§թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԶթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԲթ•Թ.թ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ–Չ€žթ•ԹԳ թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€š թ–Չ€žթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ,թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳթ•Թ— թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ•Թ)թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ(թ•Թ- թ”Թ՞թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ(թ–Չ€šթ•Թ(թ•Թ-թ•Թ❁թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ«թ•ԹԳթ•Թ,թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ…թ•Թ,թ•Թ…թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԱթ•Թ(թ•Թ-թ•Թ, թ•Թ«, թ–Ի’թ•ԹԴթ•Թ՟թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜ թ•Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•ԹԴթ–Թ թ•Թ-թ•Թ(թ•Թ»թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ, թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թզթ•Թէթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ,թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳթ•Թ— թ•Թէթ•Թ(թ•Թզթ•ԹԳթ•Թ(թ•Թ-թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€š թ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ•Թ(թ–Չ€š թ•Թ❁թ•Թէթ•ԹԴթ–Չ‚- թ•ԹԲթ•Թ«թ•Թե:թ‚Թ թ•Չ‚-թ•ԹԳթ•Թդթ•Թ,թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•Թ,թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԲթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ–Չ€žթ•ԹԳ թ•Թ« թ•ԹԲթ•Թ,թ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜ ‘թ•Թ՟թ•ԹԴթ•Թդթ•ԹԳթ•Թ)թ•ԹԴթ•Թէթ•Թ—’թ‚Թ  թ•Թ՞թ•Թ(թ–Չ€šթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ–Չ€»թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ«թ•ԹԳ ‘թ•Թէթ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ§թ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ(թ•Թ-թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€š’:


թ”Թ՞թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ•Թէթ•Թ(թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ/ թ”Թ՞թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ(թ–Չ€šթ•Թ(թ•Թ-թ•Թ❁թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•Թբ թ•Թ՞թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ•Թգթ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ— թ•ԹԵթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•Թ… թ•Թ« թ•Չ€žթ•Թ(թ•Թզթ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԵթ•Թ(թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ թ”Թ՞թ•Թբթ•Թ§թ•Թ(թ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•Թ, թ•Թ՛թ•ԹԳթ•Թդթ•Թ,թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ•Թգթ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ—` թ•Թ(թ•ԹԶթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԲթ•Թ❁թ•Թզ թ•Թ§թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԱթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՞թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•ԹԳթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€š թ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԶթ•ԹԴթ•Թբթ–Թթ•Թ—: թ”Թ՞թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ(թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԲթ•Թէթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ«թ•ԹԳթ•Թ—, թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԶթ•Թ❁թ–Չ€šթ•Թ(թ•Թ-թ•Թ❁թ•Թ§թ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚- թ•Չ€“թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•Թզթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ թ•ԹԲթ•Թգթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ•ԹԴթ•Թբթ•Թ.թ•Թ, թ•Թ)թ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԴթ–Չ‚- թ•Թ❁թ•Թ»թ•Թ)թ•Թ(թ–Թթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ(թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԲթ•Թ§, թ•Թզթ•Թ՜թ•Թզթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ❁թ•Թ… թ”Թէթ•Թ,թ•Թ-թ•Թ,թ•Թ՜թ•Թ,թ•ԹԴթ•Թբ թ•Թգթ–Չ‚-թ•Թեթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•Թ«թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ(թ–Չ€š թ•Թբթ•Թ(թ•Թէթ•Թ❁թ•Թ։թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•Թ,թ•ԹԳ թ•ժ թ•ԹԴթ•Թ-թ•Թ,թ•Թզթ•Թ— թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳթ•Թ(թ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ•Թ-թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԷ թ•Թ,թ–Չ‚- թ•Թ։թ•Թ-թ•Թ՟թ•Թ❁թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԴթ–Չ‚- թ•Թ(թ•ԹԳթ•Թ.թ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ/ թ•Թ՜թ•Թ(թ•Թ)թ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԳթ•Թ—, թ•Թդթ–Չ€žթ•Թ❁թ–Թթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ–Թթ•Թ❁թ•Թ… թ•Թ« թ•Թ§թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԱթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՞թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•Թ,թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ(թ•ԹԶթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԲթ•Թ❁թ•Թզ թ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԶթ•ԹԴթ•Թբթ–Թթ•Թ—, թ•ԹԵթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՛թ•Թ(թ•Թ-թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԷ թ•ԹԲթ•Թ,թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•ԹԳ թ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԲթ•Թ❁թ•Թզ թ•Թ՞թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ՜թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•ԹԲ` թ•ԹԳթ•ԹԴթ•Թբթ•ԹԳթ•Թ,թ•ԹԳթ–Չ€žթ•ԹԳ թ•Թ(թ•ԹԶթ•Թ(թ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜ թ•Թ§թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԱթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՞թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•ԹԳթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€š թ•Թ։թ•ԹԴթ•Թբթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ(թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԲթ•Թ§ թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€š թ•Թ։թ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ(թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•Թ§: թ•Չ€§թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ,թ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜,թ‚Թ  թ”ԹԱ, թ•ժ , թ•Թ(թ–Չ€š թ•Չ€œթ‚Թ  թ•Թ՜թ•Թ— թ•ԹԳթ•ԹԳթ•Թդթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ, թ•ԹԲթ•Թ,թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•ԹԳ թ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ՜թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€š թ•Թ§թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԱթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՞թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•ԹԳթ•ԹԴթ•ԹԷ, թ•Թ՟թ•ԹԴթ•Թ՟թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜ թ•Չ€žթ•Թ(թ•Թզթ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԵթ•Թ(թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ(թ–Չ€žթ•Թ,: թ”Թ՞թ•ԹԲթ•Թ(թ•ԹԳ թ•ԹԲթ•Թ(թ•ԹԱթ–Չ€žթ•Թ,թ•Թզ թ•ԹԷթ–Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ•Թբ թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•Թ) ‘թ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ)թ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ–Թթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ,’ թ•Թբթ•Թ❁թ•Թաթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՟ թ•Թ(թ–Չ€š թ•Թ)թ•Թ,թ–Չ€šթ–Չ‚-թ•Թ,թ•ԹԲթ•Թ❁թ–Թթ–Չ€»թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ«թ•ԹԳ ‘թ•Թ՟թ•Թ(թ•ԹԱթ•Թա’ թ•Չ€žթ•Թ(թ•Թզթ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԵ թ•Չ€žթ•Թ❁թ•Թգթ•Թէթ•ԹԴթ–Թթ•Թ, թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԲթ•Թ§…թ•Չ‚-թ•Թ«թ•Թբթ‚Թ  թ•Թ։թ•Թ,թ•Թէթ•Թ, թ”ԹԱթ•Թ-թ•Թ§թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ-թ•Թ— , թ•Չ‚-թ•Թ«թ•Թբ:թ‚Թ 

թ”Թ՞թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ՝թ•Թ« թ•Թ՛թ•ԹԴթ•Թզ թ•Թբթ•Թ,թ•Թգթ•Թ(թ•Թ- թ•ԹԴթ–Չ‚- թ•ԹԳթ•ԹԴթ•Թբթ•ԹԳթ•Թ,թ•ԹԳթ–Չ€žթ•ԹԳ թ”Թդթ–Չ‚-թ–Չ€žթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ«թ•ԹԳթ•ԹԳ թ•Թ❁թ•Թ-, թ•Թ❁թ•Թ»թ•Թ)թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ(թ•Թ-թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԷ թ•Չ€“թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ–Չ€žթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€ թ•Թ,թ•Թ- թ•Թէթ•Թ(թ•ԹԳթ•Թդթ•Թ«թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ(թ–Չ€š թ•Թզթ•Թ՜թ•Թզթ•Թ(թ•Թ-թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԷ թ•ժ թ•ԹԴթ•Թ-թ•Թ,թ•Թզթ•Թ«թ•ԹԳ, թ•Թ՜թ•ԹԴթ–Չ‚-թ•Թզթ•ԹԳթ–Թթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ–Թ թ•ԹԴթ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ•Թգ թ•Թ՞թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•ԹԳթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-, թ•ԹԲթ•Թ❁թ•Թզթ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԴթ–Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ•Թ§թ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚- թ”Թ՞թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ•Թ§թ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ«թ•ԹԳթ•Թ« թ•ԹԳթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԲթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ…թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ❁թ•Թ… թ•Թ՛թ•ԹԳթ•Թդթ•Թ,թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳթ•ԹԳթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ—` թ§Չ‚-խœթ•ԹԲթ•Թ(թ•ԹԱթ•ԹԲթ•Թ❁թ–Թթ•ԹԳթ•Թ(թ•Թ-թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԷթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ թ•Թ»թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•ԹԴթ•ԹԳթ–Չ€ž:թ‚Թ  թ”Թ՞թ•ԹԶթ•Թ❁թ–Չ€šթ•Թ(թ•Թ- թ•Թ(թ–Չ€šթ•Թզ, թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•Թ) թ•Թ՜թ•ԹԴթ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թզթ•Թէթ•Թ— թ§Չ‚-խœթ•ԹԵթ•Թ(թ•Թէթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ–Թթ•Թ❁թ–Չ€šթ§Չ‚-Չ„§թ‚Թ  թ•Թ։թ•ԹԴթ–Չ‚-թ•Թ…թ•Թ❁թ•Թ…թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ(թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ)թ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ(թ•Թ-թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԷ թ”ԹԶթ•Թ❁թ•Թէթ•Թ,թ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ թ•Թէթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԶթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ— թ–Ի’թ•ԹԴթ•Թ՟թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ թ”Թ՞թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ•Թ§թ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ«թ•ԹԳթ•Թ,: թ”Թբթ–Չ€š թ”ԹԶթ•Թ❁թ•Թէթ•Թ,թ•ԹԳթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ«թ•ԹԳթ•Թ— թ•Թ(թ•ԹԱթ•Թ❁թ–Չ€š թ”Թդթ–Չ‚-թ–Չ€žթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ«թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ-թ•Թ(թ•Թ»թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ, թ•ԹԵթ•Թ❁թ•Թէթ•Թ՜թ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ–Չ€žթ•Թ—` թ”Թ՞թ•Թ.թ•Թ❁թ•Թ.թ•Թ,թ–Չ€šթ–Չ‚-թ–Չ€žթ•ԹԴթ•ԹԷթ§Չ‚-Թ»թ‚Թ 

թ”ԹԳթ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԵթ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թէթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ,թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳ թ•Թ« թ‚Թ թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•ԹԳ թ•ԹԴթ–Չ‚- թ•Թ,թ•Թ§թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ(թ–Չ€š թ•Թ.թ•Թ« թ”Թ՞թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ(թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԲթ•Թէթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•Թ— թ•Թդթ•Թ, թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•Թզթ•Թ՜թ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚- թ”Թ՞թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ(թ–Չ€šթ•Թ(թ•Թ-թ•Թ❁թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•Թ,թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•Թ) թ•Թ՛թ•ԹԳթ•Թդթ•Թ,թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳթ•ԹԳթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€š թ•Թէթ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ§թ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•ԹԲթ•Թ,թ•ԹԳ թ•ԹԵթ•Թ❁թ•Թէթ•Թաթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԶթ•Թ❁թ–Չ€š:թ‚Թ  թ•Ի’թ•Թգթ•ԹԲթ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թէթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ,թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳթ•Թ— թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•ԹԳ թ•Թ« թ•ԹԴթ–Չ‚- թ•Թէթ•Թ։թ•Թ(թ•ԹԱ թ–Չ€žթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԱթ•Թ❁թ–Չ€žթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ(թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ թ–Թթ•Թ❁թ–Չ€šթ•Թ❁թ•Թ-թ•Թ, ‘թ•Թ՟թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԱթ•ԹԳ’ թ•Թ« թ•ԹԴթ–Չ‚- թ•Թ՜թ•Թ— թ•Թգթ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ,: թ”Թեթ•ԹԳթ•Թդ թ•Թ՟թ–Չ€»թ•Թզթ–Չ€ž թ•ԹԴթ–Չ‚- թ”Թ՞թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ(թ–Չ€šթ•Թ(թ•Թ-թ•Թ❁թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ«թ•ԹԳթ•Թ, թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•ԹԱթ•ԹԱթ•Թ❁թ•Թ։թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•Թէթ•Թ(թ•ԹԱթ•Թ, թ–Ի’թ•ԹԴթ–Ի’թ•ԹԴթ•Թ՟թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ,թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳթ•ԹԳթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ—թ‚Թ  թ•Թգթ•Թ(թ•Թգթ•Թէթ•Թ(թ–Թթ•Թ,թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•Թ) թ•Թ՟թ•Թ(թ•ԹԱթ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ•Թէթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ,թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳթ•Թ—, թ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ…թ•Թ(թ•Թզ թ•Թզթ•ԹԴթ–Ի’թ•Թ(թ•Թզթ•Թէթ–Չ€»թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ«թ•ԹԳ/թ•Թ,թ•ԹԲթ•Թ❁թ•Թզթ•Թէթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ–Չ€»թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ«թ•ԹԳ թ§Չ‚-խœթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•ԹԱթ•ԹԱթ•Թ(թ•Թ-թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԲթ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚- թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԶթ•ԹԴթ•ԹԱթ•Թե թ•Թ(թ–Չ€š թ•ԹԴթ•Թդ թ•Թզթ•Թ,թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•ԹԲթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԱթ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ•Թգթ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ— թ•ԹԲթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚- թ•Չ€žթ•Թ(թ•Թ…թ•Թ❁թ•Թզթ–Չ€žթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•Թդթ•Թ,` թ•Թթ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•ԹԳ/թ”Թաթ•Թ,թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ, թ•Թ)թ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԴթ–Չ‚- թ•ԹԳթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ)թ•Թ❁թ•Թգթ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ,թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳթ•Թ—: թ”Թբթ–Չ€š թ•Թ,թ•Թ»թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ–Չ‚- թ•Թ՜թ•Թ— թ•Թգթ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ, թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•Թ)` թ•Թ,թ•Թզթ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԵթ•Թ«թ•Թզ թ§Չ‚-խœթ•ԹԵթ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԵ թ•ԹԷթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՟թ•Թէթ•Թ, թ•Թ՟թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԱթ•Թ❁թ•Թ-թ•Թ,թ–Չ€žթ•Թ—` թ•Թ❁թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ–Չ€šթ•Թ❁թ•Թզթ•Թ,թ•Թ՜ թ•ԹԲթ–Չ€»թ•Թէ թ•ԹԲթ•Թ«թ•Թ՜ թ•Թ)թ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-, թ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ…թ•Թ(թ•Թզ թ•Թ§թ•Թ❁թ–Չ€šթ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚- թ•Թդթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚- թ•Թ։թ•ԹԴթ•Թբթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ,թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳ թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳթ•Թ(թ–Թթ•ԹԴթ•ԹԱ թ•Թ՛թ•ԹԳթ•Թդթ•Թ,թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•Թ,թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ՜թ–Ի’թ•Թ(թ•ԹԱթ•Թ՜թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•ԹԲթ•Թ—թ§Չ‚-Թ»

թ”Թաթ•ԹԴթ–Չ‚-թ•Թ…թ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ թ–Ի’թ•ԹԴթ–Չ‚-թ•Թ՞թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԶթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ(թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԲթ•Թ§ թ•ԹԲթ•Թ,թ•Թգթ•Թէ թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ–Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ•Թ՟թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ,թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳ թ•ԹԵթ•Թ❁թ•Թէթ•Թաթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԶթ•Թ❁թ•Թ… թ•Թ« թ•Թ,թ•ԹԳթ•Թ…թ•Թ, թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•ԹԳ` թ•ԹԴթ–Չ‚- թ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ§ թ•Թ❁թ•Թզթ•ԹԲթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳթ–Չ€žթ•ԹԴթ•ԹԷ, թ•Թ(թ–Չ€š թ•ԹԴթ•Թդ թ•ԹԲթ•Թ,թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•ԹԳ թ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ։թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԷ, թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԱթ•ԹԴթ–Չ‚-թ•Թ)թ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ•Թ,թ–Թ թ•Թ՜թ•Թ—թ•ԹԳթ•Թ(թ•ԹԲ թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳթ•Թ՜թ•ԹԳթ•Թ)թ•Թ,թ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԳթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թզ թ”Թ՞թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ(թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԲթ•Թէթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•Թբ թ•Թ§թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ•Թզթ•Թէթ•Թ(թ•ԹԱթ•Թ…թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ(թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ` թ•Չ€žթ•Թ(թ•Թզթ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԵթ•Թ(թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ•Թ»թ•Թ❁թ•Թէ, թ•Թ(թ•ԹԶթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԲթ•Թ❁թ•Թզ թ•Թ§թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԱթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՞թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•Թ,թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ՛թ•ԹԳթ•Թդթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•ԹԲթ•ԹԳթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԷ, թ•ԹԴթ•Թ(թ–Չ€šթ•Թ« թ”Թ՞թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ(թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԲթ•Թէթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•Թբ թ•Թդթ•Թ« թ•Թ—թ•Թզթ•Թ❁թ•Թ… թ•Թ,թ•ԹԳթ•Թ…թ•Թ, թ•ԹԴթ–Չ‚- թ•Թդթ•Թ, թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•Թզթ•Թ՜թ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚- թ•Թ-թ•Թզթ•Թ❁թ•Թ…թ•Թ—: թ”Թբթ–Չ€š թ•ԹԳթ•ԹԴթ•Թբթ•ԹԳթ•ԹԳ թ•Թ« թ•ԹԵթ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ•Թ։թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ‚Թ թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•Թգթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թգթ•Թէ թ”Թ՞թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ(թ–Չ€šթ•Թ(թ•Թ-թ•Թ❁թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•Թբ թ•Թ§թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ•Թզթ•Թէթ•Թ(թ•ԹԱթ•Թ…թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ(թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ, թ•Թ»թ•ԹԴթ–Չ‚-թ•Թզ թ•Թ§թ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ–Չ€š թ•Թդթ•Թ(թ•ԹԲ թ§Չ‚-խœթ•Թբթ•ԹԱթ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ•Թ…թ§Չ‚-Չ„§ թ•ԹԴթ•Թդ-թ•Չ€žթ•Թ(թ•Թզթ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԵթ•Թ(թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԲթ•Թ❁թ•Թզ թ•Թ§թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԱթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՞թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•ԹԳթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€š թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԶթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€žթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ(թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԲթ•Թ§:


թ•Ի’թ•Թգթ•ԹԲթ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թէթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ,թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳ թ•Թ« թ•ԹԴթ–Չ‚- թ•ԹԴթ•Թ(թ–Չ€šթ•Թ« թ”Թ՞թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ(թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԲթ•Թէթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•Թբ, թ•ԹԲթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ–Չ€šթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•Թ) թ•Թ❁թ•Թզթ•ԹԲթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳթ–Չ€ž/թ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ։ թ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ•Թէթ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԲթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ—թ•ԹԳթ•Թ.թ•Թ❁թ–Թթ–Չ€žթ•Թ,թ•ԹԳ, թ•Թ§թ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ՜թ•Թ— թ•Թ։թ•Թէթ•ԹԳթ•Թ« թ”Թ՞թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ(թ–Չ€šթ•Թ(թ•Թ-թ•Թ❁թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ«թ•ԹԳթ•Թ, թ•Չ€žթ•Թ(թ•Թզթ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԵթ•Թ(թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ(թ•ԹԶթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԲթ•Թ❁թ•Թզ թ•Թ՞թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ՞թ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•ԹԲթ•Թ—, թ•Թ(թ–Չ€š, թ•Թ, թ•ԹԵթ•Թ❁թ•Թէթ•Թ,թ–Չ€š թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•Թբ թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳթ•Թ՜թ•ԹԳթ•Թ)թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ,թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԲթ•Թ(թ•ԹԳթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ–Չ‚-թ•Թ«թ–Չ€ž, թ•Թբթ•Թ❁թ•Թաթ•ԹԴթ•Թբթ–Չ€žթ•ԹԴթ•ԹԷ թ•Թ՜թ§Չ‚-Չ„§թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳթ•Թ՜թ•ԹԳթ•Թ)թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ« թ”Թ՞թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ(թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԲթ•Թէթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ«թ•ԹԳթ•Թ— թ•ԹԳթ•ԹԴթ•Թբթ•ԹԳ թ•Թ(թ•ԹԶթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԲթ•Թ❁թ•Թզ թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թզթ•Թէ թ•Թ՞թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ՞թ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•ԹԲթ•ԹԴթ•ԹԷ: թ”Թ՞թ•ԹԳթ•Թգթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թգթ•Թէ թ•Թ.թ•Թ« թ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ թ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ•Թ(թ–Չ€š թ•Թ§թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•Թ,թ•ԹԲթ•Թ❁թ–Թթ•ԹԳթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚- — թ•Թ§թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ–Թ թ•ԹԴթ•Թդ թ•Թ—թ•ԹԳթ•Թ)թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ–Չ‚- թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳթ•Թ՜թ•ԹԳթ•Թ)թ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԱ թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•Թզթ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ,թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳթ•Թ— — թ•ԹԴթ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԳթ–Չ€ž թ•Թ՜թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ»թ•Թ(թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԲթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԶթ–Չ€»թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ«թ•ԹԳ ‘թ•ԹԵթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՛թ•Թ(թ•Թ-‘ թ•Թ,թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ(թ•ԹԳթ–Թ թ”Թ՞թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ(թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԲթ•Թէթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ,թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳթ•Թ—` թ•ԹԴթ•Թդ-թ•Չ€žթ•Թ(թ•Թզթ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԵթ•Թ(թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԲթ•Թ❁թ•Թզ թ•Թ§թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԱթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՞թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•ԹԳթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€š թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԶթ•ԹԴթ•Թ։թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ(թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԲթ•Թ§…թ”Թդթ•ԹԴթ•ԹԱ թ•ԹԴթ–Չ‚- թ•Թ—թ•Թզթ•Թ(թ•ԹԳթ–Չ€ž թ•Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ•Թ-թ•Թ❁թ•Թ- թ•Թ-թ•Թ,թ•ԹԳթ•Թ, թ•Թ§թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԱթ•Թ՞թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ–Չ€žթ•Թ—, թ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ§ թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•Թ) թ•Թ—թ•ԹԳթ•Թ(թ•Թ-թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԷ թ•Թ՜թ§Չ‚-Չ„§թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ»թ•Թ(թ•ԹԳ թ•ԹԷթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԶ թ•ԹԵթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՛թ•Թ(թ•Թ- թ•Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ«թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ-թ•Թ(թ•Թ»թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳ թ•Թ.թ•Թ«թ•Թ՜թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ» թ•Թ,թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ(թ•ԹԳթ–Թ թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ»թ•Թ❁թ•Թ… թ•Թ՞թ•Թ(թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԴթ•ԹԷթ§Չ‚-Թ»

թ”ԹԴթ•Թզթ•Թէ թ•Թ,թ•Թզ թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•Թզթ•Թ❁թ•Թ… թ•Թ« թ•Թ՝թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԲթ•Թ— թ•ԹԴթ–Չ‚- թ•ԹԷթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ•Թ։թ•Թէթ•ԹԳթ•Թ(թ•ԹԳթ–Չ€ž թ•Չ€žթ•Թ(թ•Թզթ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԵթ•Թ(թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ§թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԱթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՞թ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•ԹԳթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€š թ•Թ(թ•ԹԶթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԲթ•Թ❁թ•Թզ թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԲթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ։թ•Թ—, թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԵթ•Թ❁թ–Չ€šթ•Թ,թ•ԹԳթ•Թ(թ•Թ-թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԷ թ”Թ՞թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ•Թէթ•Թ(թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ§թ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ§թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԶթ•Թ, թ•Թ՛թ•ԹԳթ•Թդթ•Թ(թ•ԹԱթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ(թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ, թ•ԹԵթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՛թ•Թ(թ•Թ-թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԷ թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•Թ)թ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ՞ թ”Թ՞թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ(թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԲթ•Թէթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ•Թբ թ•Թ§թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԶթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԲթ•Թ.թ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ–Չ€žթ•Թ,, թ–Չ€žթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ(թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ(թ–Չ€š թ•ԹԲթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•Թ❁թ–Չ€šթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•Թ) թ•խ†թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԱթ•ԹԱթ•Թ❁թ•Թ։թ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ(թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ թ•Թ՛թ•Թ❁թ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թզթ•Թէ թ•Թ՝թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԶթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•Թ։թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ,թ–Չ€šթ•ԹԳթ•Թ—, թ”Թե թ•Թզթ•Թ«թ–Չ‚- թ•Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ•Թբ թ•Թ՝թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԱթ•ԹԴթ•ԹԷթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ–Չ‚-թ•Թ)թ•Թ, թ•ԹԲթ•Թ,թ•Թ❁թ•Թզթ•ԹԳթ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ.թ•Թ(թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳ` թ•Թ,թ–Չ‚- թ•Չ€žթ•Թ(թ•Թ…թ•Թ❁թ•Թզթ–Չ€žթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԳթ•Թդ թ•Թթ•Թ❁թ•Թբթ•ԹԳթ•ԹԴթ•ԹԷ, թ”Թաթ•Թ,թ–Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԷ, թ•Չ‚-թ•ԹԴթ•Թ։թ•ԹԴթ•ԹԷ, թ•Չ€žթ•Թ,թ•Թէթ–Չ€žթ•ԹԴթ•ԹԷ թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€š թ•Թթ•Թ❁թ•ԹԱթ•ԹԴթ•ԹԷ:թ‚Թ թ‚Թ 

թ•ժզթ•Թ(թ–Չ‚-թ•Թ❁թ•ԹԲթ•Թգթ•Թ❁թ•Թ՜թ•ԹԴթ–Չ€šթ•Թ❁թ•Թ…` թ”Թ՞թ•ԹԵթ–Չ‚-թ•Թ,թ•Թ- 2013.

photo by en.wikipedia.org

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