թԹ,The Washington TimesթԹե-թԹ— թԹէթԹԵթԹ❁թԹ։թՉ-թԹ(թԹ- թԹ« թԹ՛թԹԴթԹ)թԹԷթԹ❁թԹ…թԹ❁թԹ։թԹ,թՉ- թԹթԹ(թԹԲ թՉ թԹ❁թԹԳթԹ§թԹ(թՉ-թԹ։թԹ,` թԹ,թԹդթԹԴթՉթՉ-թՉթԹ,թԹ❁թԹբթԹԴթՉթԹԲ թԹզթԹէթԹ,թԹԵթԹԴթՉթԹԲ թԹ(թԹԳ թԹ-թԹԶթԹ(թԹ- թԹ❁թԹգթԹ՟թԹ❁թՉ-թԹ՛թԹ,թԹ՜թԹԴթՉթԹ.թԹբթԹ❁թԹԳ թԹԳթԹ(թՉ-թԹ՜թԹ❁թԹբթԹ❁թԹթԹԴթՉթԹթԹ,թԹդթԹԳթԹ(թՉ-թԹ,թԹԳթԹե թԹԷթԹ(թՉ-թԹԳթԹ❁թԹ։թՉ-թԹԴթԹԷ թԹ՛թԹԴթԹ)թԹԷթԹ❁թԹ…թԹ—:
թԹթԹէթԹԴթՉ-թՉ❁ թԹԳթԹ(թՉ-թԹ՜թԹ❁թԹբթԹ❁թԹթԹԳթԹԴթՉթԹԲ թԹ(թԹԳթՉ թԹ՛թԹԴթԹ)թԹԷթԹ❁թԹ…թԹԳ թԹԴթՉ-թԹԴթԹգ թԹ՜թՉ-թԹաթԹ❁թԹէթԹԴթՉթԹԲթԹԳթԹ(թՉ-թԹԴթԹԷ.
թԹ,թԹդթԹԴթՉթՉ-թՉթԹ,թԹ❁թԹբթԹ, թՉթՉ-թԹ(թԹ❁թԹ՜թԹ❁թԹԳ թԹ)թԹ❁թԹէթԹ❁թՉ-թԹ❁թԹԳթԹԳթԹ(թՉ-թԹԳ թԹ❁թԹԷթԹ(թԹ-թԹ, թԹ՛թԹ❁թԹաթԹ❁թԹ՟ թԹ(թԹԳ թՉ»թԹ։թԹէթԹ❁թԹ։թԹԴթՉ-թԹ…թԹԷթԹԴթՉթԹԲ թԹԷթԹ❁թՉ-թԹդթԹ❁թԹԵթԹ(թԹէ թԹդթԹ❁թԹբթԹ,թԻ թԹգթՉ-թԹ)թԹԴթԹԱթԹ❁թԹԳթԹ, թԹ,թԹզթԹ-թԹ❁թԹԲթԹ,թԹզթԹէթԹ❁թԹ՜թԹ❁թԹԳ թՉ»թՉ-թԹ❁թԹ՜թԹ❁թՉ-թԹ։թԹ, թԹ❁թԹԶթԹ❁թԹե թԹԲթԹԱթԹԲթԹ❁թԹԳ թԹ՛թԹ❁թԹԲթԹ❁թՉ-: թԹդթԹԴթՉթՉ-թՉթԹ❁թԹ՛թԹ❁թԹբ թԹթՉ❁թԹ❁թԹԳ թՉ թԹ,թԹգթԹ❁թԹԳթԹբթԹ❁թԹԳթԹ, թԹԳթԹ՜թԹ❁թԹէթԹԲթԹ❁թԹԲթԹ§ թԹԲթԹ❁թԹբթԹ,թԹզթԹ, 22-թԹ, թԹ)թԹ❁թԹէթԹ❁թԹԷթԹաթԹ,թԹԶթԹԳ թԹ❁թԹբթԹ) թԹԲթԹէթԹ❁թԹ՛թԹԴթԹ։թԹ,թԹդ թԹԲթԹ,թԹէթԹԴթՉթԹԲթԹԳթԹ(թՉ-թԹ, թԹգթԹ❁թՉ-թԹԴթՉթԹԳթԹ❁թԹ՜թԹԴթՉթԹ.թԹբթԹԴթՉթԹԳթԹԳ թԹ«:
թՉ թԹ,թԹգթԹ❁թԹԳթԹբթԹ❁թԹԳթԹ— թԹէթԹ❁թՉ-թԹ§թԹ(թՉ- թԹ՛թԹ(թԹէթԹ❁թՉթՉ-թՉթՉ-թԹԴթՉթԹ.թԹբթԹԴթՉթԹԳթԹԳթԹ(թՉ- թԹԴթՉթԹԳթԹ(թԹթԹԴթԹԱ թԹէթԹ❁թԹԱթԹ❁թԹԳթԹ)թԹ❁թԹԷթԹԴթՉ- թԹ❁թԹԳթԹ՞ թԹ«. թԹ-թԹ(թԹ»թԹԷթԹ❁թԹ§թԹ❁թԹԳ, թԹ-թՉ-թԹ❁թԹ։թՉ-թԹԴթԹԱ, թԹ՛թԹբթԹԴթՉթՉ-թԹ❁թԹԳթԹԴթԹթԹ❁թԹբթԹ,թԹԳ թԹ՞թԹ(թԹԶթԹԳթԹ❁թՉ-թԹ՜թԹ❁թԹէթԹ(թՉ-: թՉ թԹ,թԹգթԹ❁թԹԳթԹբթԹ❁թԹԳթԹ— թԹ՛թԹ❁թԹբթԹէթԹԳթԹ, թԹ« թԹԴթԹդ թԹԲթԹ,թԹ❁թԹբթԹԳ թԹ,թՉ- թԹԴթՉթԹԱթԹ(թԹթԹԴթՉթԹբթԹթԹ(թՉ-թԹԴթԹԷ, թԹ❁թԹբթԹ- 2004թԹ.-թԹ,թԹԳ թԹդթԹԴթՉթՉ-թՉթԹ,թԹ❁թԹբթԹ, թԹԲթԹ❁թՉ-թԹ)թԹԴթՉ թԹ,թՉ-թԹ❁թԹԷթԹԴթՉթԹԳթՉթԹԳթԹ(թՉ-թԹ, թԹ❁թԹզթԹԴթԹթԹ,թԹ❁թԹթԹ,թԹ❁թԹբթԹ, թԹ՜թԹԴթԹԱթԹԲթԹ,թԹ թԹ❁թՉ-թԹ՝թԹ❁թԹԳթԹ❁թԹթԹ(թԹ- թԹ« թԹ,թՉթԹէթՉթԹ, թԹ❁թԹ»թԹ❁թԹէթԹԴթՉթԹ.թԹբթԹԴթՉթԹԳթԹե թԹԲթՉ-թԹթԹ❁թԹԳթԹ❁թԹ՜թԹ,` թՉ-թԹ❁թԹբթԹԴթԹ թԹթԹ(թԹԱթԹ❁թԹզթԹԵթԹ❁թԹԳթԹԴթՉթԹ.թԹբթԹ❁թԹԳ թԹգթԹԴթՉթՉ-թԹե թԹ§թԹ❁թԹ թՉթԹԳթԹԳթԹ❁թՉ-թԹ՜թԹԴթՉթԹԲթԹԳթԹ(թՉ-թԹ, թԹ՜թԹԴթԹդթԹ, թԹ՛թԹ❁թԹԲթԹ❁թՉ-: 2008 թԹ.-թԹ,թԹԳ թԹԳթԹ❁ թԹ։թՉ-թԹ(թԹ- թԹ« թԹ,թԹթԹ՟թԹ❁թԹ- թԹ՛թԹ❁թԹԳթՉ-թԹ❁թԹԵթԹ(թԹէթԹԴթՉթԹ.թԹբթԹԴթՉթԹԳ. 51 թԹ՛թԹ❁թՉ-թԹ թԹ՞թԹ.թԹ❁թԹ.թԹԴթՉթՉ-թՉթԹ, թՉ❁ թՉթԹ(թԹԲթԹ❁թԹ-թԹ,թԹ»թԹԲթԹ, թԹԲթԹ❁թԹզթԹ,թԹԳթԹե թԹ։թԹ,թՉ-թՉթԹ—` թԹ՛թԹ❁թԹբթԹէթԹ❁թՉ-թԹ❁թՉ-թԹ(թԹ-թԹԴթԹԷ, թԹԴթՉ- թԹդթԹԴթՉթՉ-թՉթԹ,թԹ❁թԹբթԹ, թԹ՛թԹ,թԹԲթԹԳթԹ❁թԹ)թԹ,թՉ- թԹ՞թԹ.թԹ❁թԹ.թԹԴթՉթՉ-թՉթԹ— թՉ թԹ❁թԹգթԹ,թԹզթԹէթԹ❁թԹ՜թԹ❁թԹԳ թԹ§թԹԶթԹԳթԹ❁թԹԵթԹ(թԹէթԹԴթՉթԹ.թԹբթԹԴթՉթԹԳ թԹ«թՉ- թԹզթԹէթԹ(թԹԱթԹ…թԹ(թԹ- թԹ❁թԹ»թԹ։թԹ❁թԹբթԹԳթԹ❁թԹ՜թԹ❁թԹԳթԹԴթՉթԹ.թԹբթԹ❁թԹԳ թԹԳթԹ(թՉ-թՉթԹԴթԹե,- թԹ։թՉ-թԹԴթՉթԹԲ թԹ« թԹ՛թԹԴթԹ)թԹԷթԹ❁թԹ…թԹ❁թԹ։թԹ,թՉ-թԹ—:
թՉ-թԹ,թԹգթԹ(թԹթԹԳթԹ(թԹԳթՉ, թԹԴթՉ- թԹթՉ❁թԹ❁թԹԳ թՉ թԹ,թԹգթԹ❁թԹԳթԹբթԹ❁թԹԳթԹ— 13.5 թԹ❁թԹԲթԹզթԹԷթԹ❁ թԹ❁թԹ»թԹ❁թԹէթԹ❁թԹ»թՉ-թԹ՜թԹԲթԹ❁թԹԳ թԹ« թԹ)թԹ❁թԹէթԹ❁թԹԵթԹ❁թՉ-թԹէթԹԷթԹ(թԹ- թՉթԹԴթՉթԹ՛թԹ❁թԹԲթԹ(թԹ) թԹԲթԹ❁թՉ-թԹ։թԹ❁թՉ-թԹ(թԹ,թԹԳ թԹԷթԹ,թՉ-թԹ❁թԹԷթԹԴթՉ-թԹ(թԹ-թԹԴթՉ թԹ՛թԹ❁թԹԲթԹ❁թՉ-թՉ՛
թԹ,թՉ թԹ(թՉ-թԹ՜թԹ❁թԹբթԹԴթՉթԹԲթԹզ թՉ թԹ,թԹգթԹ❁թԹԳթԹբթԹ❁թԹԳթԹԳ թԹ,թՉ- թԹ)թԹ❁թԹէթԹ❁թԹԷթԹաթԹ,թԹԶթԹ— թԹ§թԹԴթԹԱթԹԴթՉթԹ❁թՉ-թԹ՜թԹԴթՉթԹԲ թԹ« թժզթԹաթԹԶթԹ❁թԹ§թԹ(թԹ՜ թԹ)թԹ❁թԹէթԹ❁թՉ-թԹ❁թԹԳթԹԴթՉթԹԲ. թԹԳթԹ❁ թԹզթԹէթԹ,թԹԵթԹԷթԹ❁թԹ… թԹ՜թԹ-թԹ,թԹԳթԹ, թԹԴթԹԱթԹե թԹԵթԹ❁թԹէթԹ,թԹ՝թԹ— թԹ՜թՉ-թԹ(թԹ-, թԹ(թԹ.թԹ( թԹ)թԹ❁թԹէթԹ❁թԹԷթԹաթԹ,թԹԶթԹ— թԹ՛թԹ❁թԹզթԹէթԹ❁թԹէթԹԷթԹ,: թԹ՞թԹբթԹ) թԹ)թԹ❁թԹէթԹ❁թԹԷթԹաթԹ,թԹԶթԹ— թԹ՟թԹ❁թԹ՟թԹէթԹԴթՉթԹԲ թԹ« թՉթԹ❁թՉ-թԹ)թԹԴթՉ թԹ,թՉ-թԹ❁թԹԷթԹԴթՉթԹԳթՉթԹԳթԹ(թՉ-թԹ, թԹ(թԹԷթՉ-թԹԴթԹԵթԹ❁թԹ՜թԹ❁թԹԳ թԹ՜թԹԴթԹԳթԹԷթԹ(թԹԳթԹթԹ,թԹ❁թԹբթԹ, 6-թՉ-թԹ) թՉ❁ 10-թՉ-թԹ) թԹ՛թԹԴթԹ)թԹԷթԹ❁թԹ…թԹԳթԹ(թՉ-թԹ—: թՉ թԹ,թԹգթԹ❁թԹԳթԹբթԹ❁թԹԳթԹ, թԹ՛թԹ❁թԹեթԹԴթՉ-թԹ) թՉթԹ❁թԹբթԹ-թԹ— թԹ՜թԹ-թԹ,թԹԳթԹ, թՉթԹ❁թՉ-թԹ)թԹԴթՉ թԹ,թՉ-թԹ❁թԹԷթԹԴթՉթԹԳթՉթԹԳթԹ(թՉ-թԹ, թԹ(թԹԷթՉ-թԹԴթԹԵթԹ❁թԹ՜թԹ❁թԹԳ թԹ)թԹ❁թԹէթԹ❁թՉ-թԹ❁թԹԳ թԹ)թԹ,թԹԲթԹ(թԹ-թԹ—:
թԹ,թԹԶթՉ-թԹ❁թԹ։թԹԴթՉ-թԹԴթԹԱթԹԳթԹ(թՉ- թԹ❁թԹԶթԹ❁թԹԳթԹ թԹզթԹ❁թԹ՛թԹԲթԹ❁թԹԳթԹԳթԹ(թՉ-թԹ,թԹե թԹԲթԹ,թԹեթԹ❁թԹ»թԹ։թԹ❁թԹբթԹ,թԹԳ թԹ,թՉ-թԹ❁թԹԷթԹ❁թԹԵթԹ❁թԹգթԹէթԹԵթԹ❁թԹԳ թԹ՜թԹ❁թԹ»թԹԲթԹ❁թԹ՜թԹ(թՉ-թԹԵթԹԴթՉթԹ.թԹբթԹԴթՉթԹԳթԹ— թԹ)թԹ❁թԹէթԹ❁թԹԵթԹ❁թՉ-թԹէթԹ(թԹ- թԹ«թՉ- թԹ,թԹէթԹ(թԹԱթԹ(թԹ՜թԹ❁թԹէթԹԷթԹԴթՉթԹ.թԹբթԹ❁թԹԳ թԹ❁թԹ»թԹ❁թԹէթԹԴթՉթԹ.թԹբթԹ❁թԹԳ թԹ՜թԹԴթԹԵթԹ,թԹէ թԹԴթԹէթԹԳթԹ❁թԹ՛թԹ❁թՉ-թԹԴթՉթԹԲթԹ—թԹե թՉ❁ թԹ՜թԹԴթԹդ թԹ«թՉ- թԹ❁թՉ-թԹ(թԹ- թԹ❁թԹԳթԹ՛թԹ❁թԹԵթԹ❁թԹԱ թԹդթԹ(թԹԱթԹբթԹ❁թԹ- թԹ՛թԹ❁թԹԲթԹ❁թՉ- 216(3)թԹ՛թԹԴթԹ)թԹԷթԹ❁թԹ…թԹ—, թԹԴթՉ-թԹ— թԹ՛թԹ❁թՉ-թԹ,թՉ- թԹդթԹ« թԹ❁թԹգթԹ՟թԹ❁թՉ-թԹ՛թԹ,թԹ՜ թԹԵթԹ(թԹէթԹԴթՉթԹ.թԹբթԹ❁թԹԳթԹ—, թԹ,թԹԳթԹդթԹԵթԹ,թԹզթԹ,թԹԳ թԹդթԹԴթՉթՉ-թՉթԹ,թԹ❁թԹԳ թԹ«:
թԹդթԹ(թՉ❁ թԹ.թԹԴթՉթՉ-թՉթԹ❁թԹ՜թԹ❁թԹԳ թԹ՜թԹ❁թԹԶթԹ❁թԹԷթԹ❁թՉ-թԹԴթՉթԹ.թԹբթԹԴթՉթԹԳթԹ— թԹ՛թԹ❁թԹԲթԹ❁թՉ-թԹԷթԹԴթՉթԹԲ թԹ« թԹ❁թԹգթԹ՟թԹ❁թՉ-թԹ՛թԹ,թԹ՜, թԹզթԹ❁թԹ՜թԹ❁թԹբթԹԳ թԹգթՉ-թԹ)թԹԴթԹԱթԹ❁թԹԳթԹ, թԹԶթԹ(թԹ՝թԹ,թԹԲթԹԳ թԹ❁թԹբթԹ)թԹԵթԹ,թԹզթԹ,թԹԳ թԹդթԹ«: 2002թԹ.. թԹ,թՉ- թԹ՛թԹ❁թԹԱթԹ.թԹ❁թԹԳթԹ❁թԹ՜թԹ,թԹ թԹ՛թԹ(թԹէթԹԴ թԹգթՉ-թԹ)թԹԴթԹԱթԹ❁թԹԳթԹ— թԹ՛թԹ❁թԹբթԹէթԹ❁թՉ-թԹ❁թՉ-թԹ(թԹ- թԹ«թՉ-, թԹԴթՉ- թԹ,թՉ-թԹ(թԹԳթՉ թԹ,թԹ❁թԹգթԹ՟թԹ❁թՉ-թԹ՛թԹ,թԹ՜թԹԴթՉթԹ.թԹբթԹ❁թԹԳ թԹ(թՉ-թԹ❁թԹգթԹ՟թԹ❁թԹԷթԹԴթՉ- թԹ(թԹԳթԹե: թՉ-թԹ,թԹԲթԹ❁, թԹ,թՉ- թԹ՜թԹ❁թԹԶթԹ❁թԹԷթԹ❁թՉ-թԹԲթԹ❁թԹԳ 11-թՉ-թԹ) թԹէթԹ❁թՉ-թԹԴթՉթԹԲ, թԹգթՉ-թԹ)թԹԴթԹԱթԹ❁թԹԳթԹ— թԹ՛թՉ-թԹ❁թԹ՝թԹ❁թՉ-թԹԷթԹ(թԹ- թԹ« թԹթԹ❁թԹԳթԹ՜թԹ❁թԹթԹ❁թԹ… թԹդթԹ❁թԻթԹ❁թԹԷթԹԴթՉ- թԹ)թԹ,թՉ-թՉթԹԴթՉ-թԹԴթԹգթԹԴթՉթԹԲթԹ,թԹ:
թխթԹդ թԹ՞թՉթՉ թԹԵթԹ(թԹէթՉթԹ❁թՉ-թԹէթԹԴթՉթԹԱթԹ❁թՉ-թԹԴթՉթԹ.թԹբթԹԴթՉթԹԳթԹ—, թԹԴթԹդ թԹբթՉ թԹԴթՉ-թՉ❁թԹ« թԹ։թԹԴթՉ-թԹ…թԹ❁թԹ՜թԹ❁թԹ-թԹԴթՉթԹ.թԹբթԹԴթՉթԹԳ թԹ՛թԹ❁թԹԳթԹ)թԹ(թԹզ թԹդթԹ(թԹ՜թԹ❁թԹԳ թՉ թԹ,թԹգթԹ❁թԹԳթԹբթԹ❁թԹԳթԹ, թԹԷթԹ,թԹաթԹ❁թԹ՜թԹ, թԹ՛թԹ(թԹէ թԹ՜թԹ❁թԹԵթԹԷթԹ❁թԹ… թԹ՛թԹ❁թԹբթԹէթԹ❁թՉ-թԹ❁թՉ-թԹԴթՉթԹ.թԹբթԹ❁թԹԲթԹ§: թԹ՞թԹբթԹզ թԹ…թԹ❁թԹբթՉ-թԹ❁թԹ՛թԹ(թԹԱ թԹԵթԹ❁թԹ՛թԹ,թԹԳ թԹԲթԹ❁թՉ-թԹ)թԹԴթՉ թԹ,թՉ-թԹ❁թԹԷթԹԴթՉթԹԳթՉթԹԳթԹ(թՉ-թԹ, թԹ՛թԹ❁թՉ-թԹթԹ(թՉ-թԹԴթԹԷ թԹ՜թԹ❁թԹ»թԹԲթԹ❁թԹ՜թԹ(թՉ-թԹԵթԹԴթՉթԹ.թԹբթԹԴթՉթԹԳթԹԳթԹ(թՉ-թԹ— թԹԵթԹ(թԹէթՉ թԹ« թԹԳթՉ-թԹ❁ թԹ❁թԹԳթԹԴթՉթԹԳթԹԴթԹԷ թԹ§թԹԴթԹԱթԹԴթՉ թԹԳթԹ(թՉ-թԹ՜թԹ❁թԹբթԹ❁թԹթԹԳթԹ(թԹԳ թՉթԹեթԹբթԹԲ: թՉ՛թԹ❁թԻթԹ❁թԹ»թԹ❁թԹԳթԹ թԹ՜թԹ❁թՉ-թՉ❁թԹԴթՉ- թԹ«, թԹԴթՉ- թԹԲթԹ,թԹեթԹ❁թԹ»թԹ։թԹ❁թԹբթԹ,թԹԳ թԹ՛թԹ❁թԹԳթՉ-թԹԴթՉթԹ.թԹբթԹԴթՉթԹԳթԹԳ թԹ,թՉ- թԹԲթԹ❁թԹզթԹԳթԹ❁թԹ՜թԹթԹԴթՉթԹ.թԹբթԹԴթՉթԹԳթԹԳ թԹԴթՉթԹԳթԹ(թԹԳթԹ❁, թԹ՛թԹ❁թԹ՜թԹ❁թԹԶթԹ❁թԹ՜ թԹ)թԹ(թԹԵթՉթԹԴթՉթԹԲ թԹգթՉ-թԹ)թԹԴթԹԱթԹ❁թԹԳթԹ, թԹԶթԹ(թԹ՝թԹ,թԹԲթԹ— թԹ՜թԹգթԹ❁թՉ-թԹԴթՉթԹԳթԹ❁թԹ՜թԹ, թՉթՉ-թԹ(թԹ❁թԹ՜թԹ❁թԹԳթԹ❁թԹթԹԳթԹ(թԹ- թԹ՜թԹ❁թՉ-թԹ…թԹ,թՉթԹ—թԹե,-թԹ։թՉ-թԹ(թԹ- թԹ« թՉ թԹ❁թԹԳթԹ§թԹ(թՉ-թԹ։թԹ,թԹԳ:
թԹ՞թԹԱթԹ§թԹբթԹԴթՉթՉ-` Panorama.am
Silencing a secularist in Turkey
Sam Nunberg for The Washington TimesթԹ
The Turkish criminal courts have increasingly been used to further Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoganթ§Չ-Չ§s Islamist agenda through hate-speech prosecutions. The May 22 sentencing of Turkish-Armenian Sevan Nisanyan continues this disturbing trend of strangling political and social discourse.
Mr. Nisanyan is a man of many interests and talents. Linguist, journalist and hotel entrepreneur, Mr. Nisanyan is not only known for his guidebook to small, affordable hotels in Turkey, but also was awarded the 2004 Freedom of Thought Award by Turkey’s Human Rights Association for advocating the open discussion on the Armenian genocide. In 2008, he authored թ§Չ-ժThe Mistaken Republic: 51 Questions about Ataturk and Kemalism,թ§Չ-Թ arguing that Turkeyթ§Չ-Չ§s founder, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, established a fascist dictatorship under the guise of nationalism. Mr. Nisanyan continues to frequently publish witty critical posts against the authoritarian bodies of the Turkish government on his blog, often with direct critiques on the Erdogan regime.
Following the worldwide protests last September by Muslims enraged by the release of the satirical YouTube film թ§Չ-ժThe Innocence of Muslims,թ§Չ-Թ Mr. Nisanyan argued in a Sept. 29 post that such discourse should not be criminalized. While mocking Muhammad is թ§Չ-ժugly,թ§Չ-Թ it does not constitute a թ§Չ-ժhate crime.թ§Չ-Թ Putting emphasis on the distinction, Mr. Nisanyan wrote:
թ§Չ-ժMocking an Arab leader թ§Չ-Չ who claimed that he contacted God hundreds of years ago and who gained political, financial and sexual profit from this թ§Չ-Չ is not a hate crime. Almost at the level of kindergarten, it is a test case of the thing called թ§Չ-խfreedom of expression.թ§Չ-Չ§թ§Չ-Թ
Mr. Nisanyan subsequently explained that his 377-word posting was spawned by Mr. Erdoganթ§Չ-Չ§s uproar over թ§Չ-ժthat cheapo Muhammad filmթ§Չ-Թ and his demand that the West recognize թ§Չ-ժIslamophobia as a crime against humanity.թ§Չ-Թ
The post not only prompted 15 separate criminal complaints, but Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag, an Erdogan confidant, called on prosecutors to launch an investigation. Breeching the sovereignty of the Turkish judiciary, he declared, թ§Չ-ժIթ§Չ-Չ§m announcing a crime. This is a typical hate crime. It is a hate crime, and it is a crime that is defined in our penal code.թ§Չ-Թ
On Oct. 15, Mr. Nisanyan appeared on CNN Turkթ§Չ-Չ§s թ§Չ-ժContrary to the Questionsթ§Չ-Թ to discuss the թ§Չ-ժThe Innocence of Muslimsթ§Չ-Թ riots and the Turkish governmentթ§Չ-Չ§s denouncements of the film. The Supreme Board of Radio and Television fined the private broadcast on the grounds that Mr. Nisanyanթ§Չ-Չ§s comments թ§Չ-ժinsulted the Prophet Muhammad,թ§Չ-Թ թ§Չ-ժexceeded the boundaries of freedom of expressionթ§Չ-Թ and were թ§Չ-ժinsulting and injuriousթ§Չ-Թ to society.
In April, a month before Mr. Nisanyanթ§Չ-Չ§s trial, world-renowned pianist Fazil Say was handed a 10-month suspended jail sentence under Article 216(3) for tweets made in jest about a call to prayer and heaven. On April 15, European Union foreign-policy chief Catherine Ashtonթ§Չ-Չ§s office criticized Mr. Sayթ§Չ-Չ§s sentence, calling for Turkey թ§Չ-ժto fully respect freedom of expression.թ§Չ-Թ Three days later, Mr. Bozdag defended the conviction because Mr. Say թ§Չ-ժwas swearing at someoneթ§Չ-Չ§s values,թ§Չ-Թ and թ§Չ-ժ[n]obody should confuse freedom of thought with freedom of swearing.թ§Չ-Թ
With both Mr. Bozdagթ§Չ-Չ§s public declaration of Mr. Nisanyanթ§Չ-Չ§s guilt and endorsement of the Say verdict, combined with the radio-TV boardթ§Չ-Չ§s ruling, Mr. Nisanyan could not expect an impartial trial. Prosecuted under Turkish Criminal Code Article 216(3), which declares, թ§Չ-ժAny person who openly disrespects the religious belief of a group is punished with imprisonment from six months to one year if such act causes potential risk for public peace,թ§Չ-Թ the magistrate judge of course found Mr. Nisanyan guilty, sentencing him to a 13-month prison sentence, six weeks beyond the statutorily permissible punishment.
Currently appealing his conviction in the Court of Cessation, Mr. Nisanyan will have to serve the entire jail sentence should the magistrateթ§Չ-Չ§s sentence be upheld. The sentence violates the European Convention on Human Rightsթ§Չ-Չ§ Article 6 (right to a fair trial) and Article 10 (freedom of expression). Mr. Nisanyanթ§Չ-Չ§s next best course is an appeal with the European Court of Human Rights.
Reporters Without Borders immediately condemned the sentence as a թ§Չ-ժgrave violation of freedom of informationթ§Չ-Թ and called for the immediate repeal of the թ§Չ-ժdraconianթ§Չ-Թ Article 216(3), which թ§Չ-ժhas no place in a secular country such as Turkey.թ§Չ-Թ
While the Turkish government is secular, the Erdogan regime is not. Following his narrow 2002 victory, Mr. Erdogan declared, թ§Չ-ժSecularism is the protector of all beliefs and religions. We are the guarantors of this secularism, and our management will clearly prove that.թ§Չ-Թ Now in the 11th year of his rule, Mr. Erdogan has abandoned any moderate facade.
Neither the State Department nor any EU agency has issued a statement about Mr. Nisanyanթ§Չ-Չ§s plight. At this critical juncture, human rights organizations should file appeals on his behalf in the European Court of Human Rights. It is imperative that the international community become engaged; otherwise, opinions will continue to be criminalized by the Erdogan regime.
Sam Nunberg serves as director of the Legal Project, an activity of the Middle East Forum
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