The Assembly of the Armenians of Europe condemns in the strongest possible words the genocidal murderous actions of the ridiculous pseudo-Islamic Caliphate of ISIS, a mere horde of mad schizophrenic terrorists running riot in Northern Iraq, against the Yazidi, Armenian and other Christian inhabitants of Mossul, Sinjar, and surrounding areas, committing unforgivable inhuman atrocities, mass-murders, the rape and sale of women and children into prostitution, their forced religious conversion into Islam, and exile out of their homes, and native lands թ§Չ-Չ and all this executed on the verge of the Centenary of the genocide of the Armenians, and practically in the same style, methodologically speaking .
The authoritative international news media and their eyewitness Reporters and investigative journalists confirm that the present government of Turkey is the Patron of this abhorrent and most despicable extremist organization and its co-conspirators Al-Qaida & Al-Nousra. Those hordes of terrorist murder-squads enjoy free entry-and-exit in and out of Turkey, enjoy the logistical support of Turkeyթ§Չ-Չ§s military-industrial complex, have access to excellent medical facilities for the wounded, of which the Turkish ordinary citizens are deprived, and are trained and well-equipped with up-to-date weaponry in Turkish military camps.թԹ թԹ թԹ թԹ
թԹ թԹ թԹ թԹ թԹ թԹ թԹ թԹ It would be naթԹ՜ve, almost childish to presume that without such massive state-subsidized resources, those terrorist death-squads could conquer cities like Kessab, Mossul, Sinjar etc.
In view of the above-mentioned,
թԹ թԹ թԹ թԹ թԹ թԹ թԹ թԹ թԹ թԹ The Assembly of Armenians of Europe, welcomes the UN declaration voted on the 16th of August, which condemned the continuing crimes, and broadcast solidarity with the victims, but most importantly, decided to take punishing measures against the states that covertly sustain those terrorist organizations.
թԹ թԹ թԹ թԹ թԹ թԹ թԹ թԹ թԹ The Assembly of the Euro-Armenians simultaneously expresses astonishment that the constituent structures of the UN and the EU are delaying and dilly-dallying in taking the necessary practical steps for the realization of their own decisions.
We call urgently upon the UN and the EU to take the necessary measures without delay to stop immediately the continuing, genocidal, murderous crimes committed by those extremist terrorist gangs, and soothe and compensate for the suffering of the Yazidi people and their fellow victims of all and sundry nationalities and religions, including normal Muslims, who are equally indiscriminately killed by their lunatic schizophrenic brethren.թԹ թԹ թԹ թԹ
Assembly of Armenians of Europe
Sweden, Uppsala, 19th August, 2014թԹ թԹ թԹ թԹ
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