Armeniaթ§Չ-Չ§s Permanent Representative at the OSCE, Ambassador Arman Kirakosyan delivered a speech at the OSCE Permanent Council in response to reports by the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs and Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Ambassador Andrzej Kasprzyk.
Ambassador Kirakosyan highly appreciated the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairsթ§Չ-Չ§ efforts over the last three months թ§Չ-Չ the organization of Armenian-Azerbaijani presidential meetings in Sochi, Newport and Paris. At the latest meeting in Paris, the sides confirmed the efficiency of the OSCE Minsk Group format, stating there is no alternative to the peace process. The Armenian side emphasized the soonest approval of fundamental principles, which would enable the sides to start negotiating a fundamental peace treaty.
Ambassador Kirakosyan strongly condemned the downing of the Nagorno-Karabakh helicopter, which was carrying out a training flight along the Line of Contact, as one more act of provocation aimed at escalating tension and derailing the negotiation process.
By violating the ceasefire and using violence, official Baku is ignoring the calls by the Minsk Group co-chairs and international community for strengthening the ceasefire and confidence-building. Thus, Azerbaijan bears the responsibility for escalating tensions.
The Armenian side expressed its concerns over the increased violations of ceasefire and continuing infiltrations, as well as the shooting of civilians and the use of heavy weapons by Azerbaijan.
Noting that every single death deepens the distrust between the peoples, Ambassador Kirakosyan called upon the Azerbaijani side to accept the OSCE Minsk Group-proposed confidence-strengthening measures to reinforce the mechanisms of ceasefire, ensur investigation mechanisms and withdrawing the snipers from the Line of Contact. թ§Չ-ժIt will reduce the violations of ceasefire and the human losses, creating a positive atmosphere allowing a progress in the peaceful settlement efforts. It was emphasized that Armenians approaches fully correspond to the approaches of the world community and the co-chairs, whereas Azerbaijan continues disavowing the confidence-strengthening measures.
The ambassador added that Azerbaijani authoritiesթ§Չ-Չ§ continuing persecutions against the civil society demonstrate the countryթ§Չ-Չ§s attempts to rule out humanitarian contacts.
Mr Kirakosyan emphasized that the Armenian sides relies on the principles of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the conflict settlement process, respecting the Nagorno-Karabakh peopleթ§Չ-Չ§s freedom of choice.
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