Recognition of the Armenian genocide

They call upon all members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to take the necessary steps for the recognition of the genocide perpetrated against Armenians in the Ottoman Empire at the beginning of the 20th century.

Recognition of the Armenian genocide

Written Declaration

Considering that this year 2010 marks the 95th anniversary of the Armenian genocide of 1915 and the fact that the act of recognition of this genocide contributes to respect for human dignity and constitutes an act of prevention of crimes against humanity;

Recalling that the express positions of the United Nations, the European Parliament and Parliaments of the Council of Europe member states, including Sweden, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Switzerland, France, Italy, Belgium, Greece, Cyprus, the Russian Federation, as well as the US House of Representatives and 43 U.S. states, Chile, Argentina, Venezuela, Canada, Uruguay and Lebanon demonstrated their unequivocal recognition of the Armenian genocide;

The undersigned, members of the Parliamentary Assembly, call upon all members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to take the necessary steps for the recognition of the genocide perpetrated against Armenians in the Ottoman Empire at the beginning of the 20th century, which will strongly contribute to an eventual similar act of recognition by the Turkish authorities of this odious crime against humanity and, as a result, will lead to the normalisation of relations between Armenia and Turkey and thus contribute to regional peace, security and stability.

Signed: 1
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ HARUTYUNYAN Davit, Armenia, EDG
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ AGHAJANYAN Artsruni, Armenia, NR
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ BLONDIN Maryvonne, France, SOC
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ BUGNON AndrթƒԹ., Switzerland, ALDE
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ CHITI Vannino, Italy, SOC
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ CURTIS-THOMAS Claire, United Kingdom, SOC
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ DIMITROV Kirtcho, Bulgaria, EPP/CD
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ FAHEY Frank, Ireland, ALDE
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ FARINA Gianni, Italy, SOC
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ FIALA Doris, Switzerland, ALDE
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ GEORGIOU Aristophanes, Cyprus, UEL
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ GRAF Angelika, Germany, SOC
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ HOLOVATY Serhiy, Ukraine, ALDE
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ HUSS Jean, Luxembourg, SOC
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ KONEթ„ժ’NթƒԹ Albrecht, Austria, SOC
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ LEIBRECHT Harald, Germany, ALDE
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ MIKUTIENթ„Չ€“ Dangutթ„Չ€”, Lithuania, ALDE
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ NAGHDALYAN Hermine, Armenia, ALDE
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ PETROV Petar, Bulgaria, EPP/CD
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ PLESKACHEVSKIY Viktor, Russian Federation, EDG
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ RIGONI Andrea, Italy, ALDE
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ ROCHEBLOINE FranթƒԹ«ois, France, EPP/CD
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ ROUQUET RenթƒԹ., France, SOC
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ RUSTAMYAN Armen, Armenia, SOC
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ SCHUSTER Marina, Germany, ALDE
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ ZOHRABYAN Naira, Armenia, ALDE
թ§Չ‚-Թ§ TILSON David, Canada

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